
Gunnery in the Desert

We just completed a very nice couple of weeks testing out the new equipment in the desert of New Mexico. Things generally went well for us, and we are looking forward to more opportunities to go out and play.


Why I like big guns

If the link works, a rather violent demonstration of some of our gadgets in action.


A new APC Imp

My stepdaughter gave birth on Tuesday, 20 Feb. The new imp was generally healthy, albeit small and a bit jaundiced, but what does one expect when coming from the nether regions. The little girl was 6 pounds five ounces, which, for those who use the metric system, is about 2.8 kilograms. She arrived home from the hospital today, but being that home for her is over 1200 miles away (about 2000 kilometers) it is going to be a while before I get a chance to hold her and start influencing her political beliefs.


Home Sweet Home

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a while since my last posting. This is because I have been in transit from KY to TX. It did not help my blogging life much that the POS ancient computer I had been using did not exactly survive the trip and I had to get a replacement. Though I am loathe to make endorsements on this sight, I will say that the people at Circuit City were incredibly helpful throughout the ordeal of trying to revive my comatose computer and in providing a replacement. I am slightly disappointed this weekend because I have just been informed that I will not get to be on a tank full time in my new battalion, but will be in charge of the headquartes platoon of my company because my expirience in that type of environment. I would much prefer to be tinkering on the tank and slamming through open terrain in a tank commander's hatch than in a command vehicle, but a soldier is expected to make personal sacrifices for the good of the unit.

Judging by the number of hits that this site actually gets, I am not going to assume that anybody really missed me, but it is nice to be back.